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Dr Amy Lam


Specialist in Internal Medicine

(What does this mean?)

Dr Amy graduated from the University of Sydney with first class honours. She worked in small animal practice after graduation including with her proud father Dr John Aspley Davis. The drive to become a specialist lead her to take an internship at the University of Sydney and completed a Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Clinical Sciences with a project on Feline Hyperthyroidism.

In 2008 Amy joined the team at SASH, as a Small Animal Medicine Resident. She published papers on Pituitary Apoplexy, Canine Systemic Mycobacteriosis, and Feline Laryngeal Disease, and won awards from the Australian Small Animal Veterinary Association for Best Research Publication and Case Report.

In 2011, Amy, joined her husband Richard and their two furry children – Dave (Tonkinese) and Triniti (DSH) in a move to the UK. Amy worked at a world leading veterinary referral hospital, was a consultant for a veterinary pathology company, performed research and attended clinics at the Royal Veterinary College. She became a Fellow of the Australian New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists and is a registered Specialist in Small Animal Medicine.

Amy enjoys the challenge of the complexity of internal medicine cases. She particularly enjoys infectious disease, endocrinology and immune mediated disease, and putting all the clues together of those tough cases. Amy hopes to practice quality medicine, ensure client satisfaction with the service provided, and hopes to share her knowledge with the referring veterinarians. Amy’s is very proud to be a member of the fabulous hard-working SASH team.


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Specialist in Emergency and Critical Care
Specialist in Surgery
Registrar in Small Animal Surgery
Emergency and Critical Care Clinical Lead
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