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Vet’s Guide to Oncology – Order

Vets Guide to Oncology

Your practical guide to assist in the diagnosis and management of oncology patients

The Vet’s Guide to Oncology, compiled by the dedicated specialist oncologists of the SASH Cancer Centre team, using the knowledge they have developed from their extensive years of training and experience in treating pets with cancer. 

The purpose of this valuable resource is to act as a practical guide to assist general practitioners to diagnose cancer earlier, provide more accurate information to clients and deliver safe and appropriate treatment for the benefit of their patients and clients.

Please allow 1-2 weeks for postal delivery.

Alternatively, you can download your digital copy below.

Download Volume 1

Download Volume 2

We also offer referring vets a number of other SASH materials. If you would like to browse and order other items for your clinic, please visit our Vet Resource Hub.