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Dog hip dysplasia

By SASH Vets

What is dog hip dysplasia?

Dog hip dysplasia, also referred to as canine hip dysplasia is one of the most common joint problems found in dogs. It is a condition when the ball and socket joint of the hips do not fit together comfortably, which then leads to loss of cartilage, bone-on bone grinding, and progression of osteoarthritis (a degenerative joint condition where the tissues in the joint break down over time). Hip dysplasia can be a restrictive condition for some dogs and families as it inhibits their ability to run and play like they usually would.

Hip dysplasia is common in specific breeds such as rottweilers, German shepherds, corgis, golden and Labrador retrievers, English and French bulldogs, great Danes, Saint Bernards, standard poodles, Bernese mountain dogs and Mastiffs. In fact, most large and giant breeds.

What are the symptoms of dog hip dysplasia?

Initially, the dog may not show symptoms. However, over time as the condition progresses, hip dysplasia can become quite painful. The symptoms can manifest as limping and mobility issues, this can present as difficulty getting up and jumping which can significantly reduce the dog’s quality of life.

Sometimes the symptoms mentioned can be noticed soon after birth and during the early stages of puppyhood. If you suspect your puppy is showing some of the symptoms of hip dysplasia you should have a prompt assessment by a trusted veterinarian.

How is dog hip dysplasia diagnosed?

Dog hip dysplasia can be indicated by a veterinarian through performing a physical exam, which can find evidence of the condition. However, specific X-rays techniques, commonly referred to as “hip scoring” is the most useful. The PennHIP method of hip scoring is regarded as the most useful. However, there are also some older methods that may be of some help.

If you have recently brought a new puppy into your home and it is a breed that is prone to hip dysplasia or is displaying signs of discomfort, it is important to speak to your local veterinarian or contact us at SASH to arrange a hip assessment or PennHIP scoring. This assessment is especially crucial when the puppy is around 16 weeks old, as this is when their hips are still developing. In some cases of hip dysplasia, a minimally invasive procedure called Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis (JPS) can be performed under general anaesthesia around this age. This procedure involves a small incision to aid in the development of the pelvis and prevent osteoarthritis.

How can dog hip dysplasia be prevented?

Hip dysplasia is usually hereditary, passed on by the dog’s parents. If you are looking for a puppy of a breed that is at risk of hip dysplasia, ask your breeder if have performed hip scoring on the parents.

It is also important for dogs suspected to have hip dysplasia to remain slim, with a limited amount of high impact exercise. Both these can help reduce some of the symptoms seen with hip dysplasia.

Regardless of their pedigree, it is always recommended to feed large-breed puppies diets that are specifically designed for them. Commercial diets for large-breed puppies are formulated to have lower levels of energy, protein, and minerals compared to other puppy diets. This helps to slow down the growth and weight gain of the puppies, which can reduce the risk of certain health issues. For more advice on feeding your puppy, consult your local veterinarian.

How is dog hip dysplasia treated?

SASH is fortunate to be a multidisciplinary hospital with multiple types of specialists. Consequently, a variety or combination of treatment options can be offered for dogs with hip displacement. Generally, this will start with a consultation with either a Sports Medicine Specialist or a Surgical Specialist. Not all treatments are suitable for each patient, so it is important to have a veterinarian who specialises in either surgery or sports medicine examine and develop a plan tailored specifically for you and your dog.


One of the less invasive ways to treat dog hip dysplasia is through physiotherapy. A Sports Medicine Specialist or Physio/Rehabilitation Therapist is able to provide several options for a dog with hip dysplasia, one of these includes physiotherapy. Just like you would see with people, physiotherapy aims to help strengthen muscles that support the hip and help reduce the problems and pain associated with hip dysplasia.

Other types of management options for hip dysplasia provided by a sports medicine specialist or physiotherapist may include hydrotherapy, laser therapy, platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP), and acupuncture.

Hydrotherapy Tank
A dog receiving hydrotherapy

A Sports Medicine Specialist or Veterinarian will be the best person to see if your dog has hip dysplasia and you wish to explore some of these management options. They will also be able to provide advice about keeping your dog slim, while also limiting high-impact activities.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs (a type of “pain killer”) are the most common form of medication used to manage the pain associated with dog hip dysplasia. However, withdrawal of the drug results in return of the symptoms. Long term NSAID use carries risk of side effects, such as kidney and liver damage. It is therefore important to explore all management options for your dog’s hip dysplasia.

Dietary supplements such as fish oil can also be explored.


Multiple surgical options can be explored for dogs with hip dysplasia. These include Orthopaedic surgeries such as a double pelvic osteotomy (DPO) and a Total Hip Replacement (THR). A DPO can prevent older puppies with hip dysplasia from developing osteoarthritis and a total hip replacement (THR) can return severely impacted dogs to normal comfort and function.

To decide which surgical option is best for each patient, a highly trained surgeon, like the ones here at SASH, who have had extra training in hip conditions and total hip replacements is best to see. The surgeon will assess the patient, their age, the severity of the condition and their lifestyle.

scans showing before and after of dog hip dysplasia surgery
Left: CT showing severe case of dog hip dysplasia (arrows show where the joints ball of the thigh bone should be attaching to the hip. Right: X-ray showing a repaired hip

If surgery is the option for your dog with hip dysplasia, then physiotherapy and medication will also be prescribed to assist with recovery, all of which can be provided by SASH. Appropriate physiotherapy is essential for improving surgical outcomes and ensuring your loved one is back to and living their best life.

Surgery at SASH

SASH is one of the country’s leading specialist veterinary hospitals. It’s multidisciplinary team consists of Specialists in Surgery that excel at performing hip dysplasia surgeries. SASH is also one of the few multidisciplinary institutions which offer all of the following services for surgery patients:

  • Specialists in Anaesthesia to oversee general anaesthesia to significantly reduce its risk
  • Specialists in Diagnostic Imaging to acquire and interpret CT scans and X-rays with in-house equipment
  • 24/7 veterinary oversight for recovering patients, including from Specialists in Critical Care if required
  • Sports Medicine & Rehab Specialists and Therapists to improve recovery and surgery outcomes

Dog hip dysplasia treatment outcomes

Regardless of which treatment option is used, the aim is to improve the quality of life for the dog. The outcomes can range from slight to dramatic improvements in mobility and pain. Outcomes can also be improved by implementing an appropriate rehab program, which can be provided by a Sports Medicine & Rehab Veterinarian. More details about expected outcomes can be provided by a SASH veterinarian after examining your dog.

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