SASH Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast & Northern Beaches Now Open 24/7

COVID-19 – Information for our Vet Partners

COVID-19 Information for our Vet Partners

June 21 -COVID-19 Update

We remain committed in supporting you with the shared care of your clients and patients.

Our North Ryde hospital remains open 24 hours a day, every day of the year, with all departments and services operating as normal.

We have a contactless consult protocol in place to ensure health and safety are prioritised, while we continue to partner with you in providing the pet-owning community with the care it needs.

If you require any assistance, please get in touch with us via (02) 9190 6805 or email and one of our Client Services team will support you with your enquiry.

May 20 -COVID-19 Update

As the country moves to ease the COVID19 restrictions which have been in place for over a month, I want to assure you that SASH is closely monitoring the situation and will still be operating under strict hygiene practices and social distancing.

We hope that you have gained some efficiencies during this time of more flexible work practices and are able to retain these are we shift into a “new normal” phase as the overall risks to our community and our practices reduces.

SASH continues to support you and will maintain access to our Emergency Vet Hotline (02)9002 7290 which is manned by Dr Tim Hopkins.

We have moved our Continued Education Program to webinars, allowing you to gain CPD points from the comfort of your home or clinic. Recorded sessions of our webinars will be available on our website within a fortnight of the event. In addition, we will be loading several other valuable resources to the site so please check back regularly for new content.

30 March 20 - Authority to Dispense Medication

Following significant interest from our referring vet community, we have confirmed the below process regarding authority to dispense medications.

If you are unable to see a client face-to-face, SASH can dispense medications for your patients on your behalf at no cost to you, and no consultation fee for your client.

How does it work?

  • Contact Dr Tim Hopkins on (02) 9002 7290 or to start the process.
  • Dr Hopkins will email you a form to fill out requiring your client’s details, patient information, medication required and dosage instructions.
  • Once we have the completed form your client can come to SASH (24/7) to purchase the required medication. They will not be charged any consultation fee, and there is no charge to your practice.


In order to comply with the VPB, SASH and the participating practice must individually keep a copy of the completed form on the patients record for a minimum of 3 years.

24 March 20 - Updated Information

Following the updated government response to COVID-19 with measures to operationally lock down businesses, we want to assure you that SASH will remain open and fully functioning.

SASH is taking the lead of countries like Britain and New Zealand where vet practices remain open as an essential service during complete lockdown.

Please re-assure your clients that SASH is operating under the strictest of hygiene standards. Our website is updated regularly to inform customers of the actions taken by SASH to meet government requirements for infection control.

Our online referring portal is now live, and you can refer patients online, view your patient records, discharge summaries and more from any computer or mobile device.

In the coming days, Dr Tim Hopkins will be in contact with you to discuss the portal and help you with any questions you may have.

Dr Hopkins is also our emergency vet and is contactable via our direct emergency hotline (02) 9002 7290 should you require any assistance at your practice.

We will continue to keep you updated as and when things change however, we will remain open as an essential service and continue to support you, your practice and our to community

20 March 20 - A Message from Justin Wimpole, CEO of SASH

During these unprecedented times it is more important than ever to look after each other, while taking care of our families and loved ones.

The health and safety of our community and their beloved pets is paramount to us all, and I want to assure you that SASH will be operating under the strictest of hygiene protocols to ensure we remain open 24/7 throughout this crisis.

SASH is here to support you and your practice with whatever challenges you face ahead.

Patient Management

We have established an emergency hotline on (02) 9002 7290 with direct access to our Emergency specialist and Vet Relationship Manager, Dr Tim Hopkins, who can assist you in triaging patients over the phone.

Should the instance arise where you need assistance in managing the demands on your practice, SASH can also work with you to answer your clients calls, allowing a continuity of care for your patients.

To ensure the highest of infection control standards we have introduced a ‘drop off service’ to allow clients to drop their beloved pets off via a highly sanitised procedure – ensuring the health of our clients and team is not compromised.

Online Referring Portal Launch

To further partner with you in caring for your patients, we have bought forward the launch of our online referring portal. This will allow you to make referrals, view your patient records, discharge summaries and more from any computer or mobile device.

You will receive a separate email with your login details and information on how to use the service. Your practice will automatically begin to receive discharge notices as soon as they are processed by our clinicians.

Continued Education now online

Maintaining your CPD points during this time may also prove challenging, so to mitigate the closure of public events, we will deliver our Continued Education Program via online webinars – allowing you to gain CPD points from the comfort of your own home. Over the next week we will also upload several previous sessions that have been recorded, which can be accessed via

SASH is here to support your practice

If you need us, we are here to support you, your clients and your patients so please reach out on the emergency hotline (02)9002 7290 or our standard line (02) 9889 0289 or email us at with any questions you may have.

We look forward to working more closely with you to support our community through this world changing event.