A routine check up with Dr Phillipa in dermatology uncovered a very rare and unsuspected undefined sarcoma in the roof of our dear boys mouth.
In looking back, we had noticed he was dropping his food more often, and spilling his water. We put this down to him being fussy with his biscuits and favouring his bbq chicken or cooked meat we gave him every night! Not your typical Beagle – fussy with food!
A meeting with surgical oncologist Dr Amanda Miller confirmed our worst fears, George was diagnosed with an undefined sarcoma which was very aggressive and the margins were too large for complete surgical removal. George was our first baby and we would do everything we could to save him. Dr Amanda advised us that a partial jaw removal was a very significant surgery and we hoped for the best. Against all odds our boy, absolute champion – recovered and thrived – his resilience and strength were an absolute inspiration to us all.
Once his jaw had healed we met with Dr Elias – to discuss radiation to try and eliminate the remaining margins of the disease that were unable to be removed with surgery . Dr Elias explained how radiation would work for George and was very informative and caring in such a stressful and difficult time for our family. We chose to fight all we could – and George started his intensive radiation with Dr Elias, Nurse Sharmaine and the incredible team. Nurse Sharmaine would update me daily on how our boy was and how he was kicking goals in radiation. A champion.
George graduated radiation on 10th June 2022 and I remember picking him up from the bunker like it was yesterday – the love and care shown to us was amazing. In October , a routine check up and chest x ray confirmed our absolute worst fears – the sarcoma had metastasised and was through his lungs. Time stood still for us – tears, anger, sadness. Dr Elias and the team were shattered too. We did all possible that we could. We are so incredibly grateful to have had access to Sash and the cancer centre – and we know that they gave our boy George every fighting chance. Georgie was the start of our family and he will forever be the centre of it. His strength, determination and resilience were an inspiration. An incredible big brother to our children and a loyal friend to all who knew him. His story deserves to be told. Thank you Sash and the animal cancer centre for all you have done for us and our fighter George.
“Life is Good with George”
7th January 2014 – 10th November 2022