Well… I was dropping my babies off for doggie daycare and Lou made a couple of cough sounds so when I got her out I stroked her throat to make it more comfortable and that’s when I felt the lump. I asked Em the vet to check her out and she said straight up that’s not good. So after test, a phone conference with Dr Elias we made the 7000km all up trips to SASH at Nth Ryde. She had RT and was on chemotherapy which unfortunately made her extremely unwell. So from 5/9/22 until early November we did the hard yards to help her. I made the decision to stop Palladia as she wasn’t having the best quality of life…. still feeling very guilty but she is happy now being her goofy self. We are taking it day by day and I realise this disease will end her life but I’m thankful to have her happy and not feeling the side effects anymore and also very grateful to Dr Elias and his team!❤️❤️ We all did our best by her!