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#sashcancerhero: Bec: Miley

Published on November 29, 2022.

Story from #sashcancerhero: Bec: Miley

Miley had started leaking urine, not all the time just every now and then. We asked our vet about it at one of her appointments and they said at this stage because it’s not constant and there’s no other issues just to monitor it. Miley had also had 10 pups when she was younger, she only had one little but this like humans can also weaken the bladder.
About a year later we noticed Miley was leaking a lot more so we took her straight to the vet and found out she had a urinary infection and were given antibiotics which worked and cleared up the infection. Over the next 12 months with lots of testing and antibiotics the infections became worse and our vet decided it was time to do more investigating.

Our vet performed and ultrasound sound and found Miley’s bladder had what looked like a big mass inside of it and we were referred to Sash.

After some further testing at Sash we were still unsure if this was cancer or still just a severe infection that was proving very difficult to get rid of. So the first task was to tackle the infection then investigate further.

During the time Miley was being treated, after eating dinner one night she became very unwell. I rushed Miley into AREC in Newcastle and she was found to have a twisted stomach and had to be revived and her chances of surviving the operation were not good. Miley survived the operation and was doing well until the next morning when the vet thought she may have been going septic and suggested we take Miley to Sash.

Miley was admitted and was monitored for 24hrs before needing another surgery to once again save her life. In this surgery Dr Ingrid took a good biopsy from Miley’s bladder to test. Miley took about a week before she was able to come home and start to recover.

Miley was doing well at home and we thought we might have been out of the woods for a while. Then the biopsy results came back and we found out Miley had an aggressive form of bladder cancer. It was devastating.

Miley is currently undergoing chemotherapy at Sash on the Central Coast. She’s doing really well, her cancer is stable at the moment. And I couldn’t ask for a better team of vets and nurses to be looking after her.

If you notice any changes in your pet that isn’t normal for them my advice is take them straight to the vet for a check up. Miley showed no other signs. She didn’t appear to be in any pain (still doesn’t) and she was eating, drinking and playing like she usually would.

I count every day that she’s still with us a blessing! My dogs are my babies and I can’t imagine life without them!

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SASH is home to some of Australia’s leading specialists and veterinary experts. If you have any concerns about your pet, please get in touch with us.

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