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Reptiles and Amphibians

We cater to our friends with scales, shells, feathers and more!

Reptiles and amphibians have become popular pets. They are unique and engaging animals, that often have very specific requirements. We believe in providing a high standard of care for our reptilian and amphibian patients.

We offer all services for reptiles including:

  • Emergency care
  • Hospitalisation with dedicated ward and custom enclosures
  • Annual health examinations
  • Gender determination
  • Micro-chipping
  • Laboratory testing
  • Diagnostic imaging – X-ray, Ultrasound, CT, MRI and fluoroscopy
  • Surgery and endoscopy
  • Health investigations in large collections
  • Behavioural investigations and management
  • Direct access to other specialities including oncology, ophthalmology, cardiology and imaging

The Reptiles We See

Whether they are kept as pets, for demonstrations or breeding purposes – we see most reptiles.

We have experience treating all types of reptiles and amphibians:

  • Snakes (non-venomous only*)
  • Turtles
  • Lizards – monitors, dragons, skinks
  • Geckoes
  • Frogs
  • Axolotls

*Unfortunately, at this stage, we are unable to offer services to venomous snakes. For these patients we recommend:

South Penrith Veterinary Clinic
Avian, Reptile and Exotic Pet Hospital, University of Sydney – Camden

Illness In Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles are very tough and can often hide signs of disease until the problem has become very advanced. Many injuries that initially seem minor, can actually be very serious. All reptiles and amphibians are able to feel pain. We recommend always erring on the side of caution when something seems unusual with your reptile and having them examined by an reptile veterinarian.

Signs of illness or injury in reptiles:

  • Less active or hyperactive behaviours
  • Refusing food or reduced appetite
  • Changes in normal behaviours or routine
  • Having difficulty moving, limping or not using a leg
  • Breathing difficulties, discharge from the mouth or nostrils
  • Changes to one or both eyes (swelling, redness, discharge)
  • Regurgitating food
  • Changes to the droppings (diarrhoea, unusual colour, excessive water)
  • Drinking excessively
  • Seizures, tremors

Bringing Your Reptile or Amphibian To The Vet

Bringing your reptile to the vet can be a stressful time, especially when they are unwell or injured.

All reptiles need to arrive at the appointment in an enclosure. Usually their normal enclosure is too large or difficult to bring in, so examples of other carriers include:

  • Pillow case
  • Cat and dog travel carriers
  • Plastic containers with ventilation holes
  • Cardboard boxes with ventilation holes and must be able to be secured (they are not recommended for snakes)
  • Turtles can travel without water. A moistened towel on the bottom of a bucket or large plastic container is usually sufficient
  • Axolotls must travel submersed in cool water (ideally the same temperature as their tank).
  • A small plastic aquarium or even an esky can be used.
  • If you are unable to bring their regular enclosure to the appointment, a photo of the cage and surroundings can often be very helpful for the veterinarian.

Turtles, frogs and axolotls – please bring a sample of their tank water in a separate container.

Examination of faecal samples is a routine part of the examination. Please bring a fresh faecal sample to the consultation, if this is available.