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Dr Philippa Ravens

BSc BVSc MVS MANZCVS FANZCVS (Veterinary Dermatology)

Specialist in Dermatology

(What does this mean?)

Dr Philippa Ravens has been with the SASH Dermatology department for over 10 years, and is now consulting at SASH Alexandria. Philippa graduated with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Sydney in 2004. She worked in small animal general practice for 5 years before accepting a residency position in Veterinary Dermatology at the University of Sydney in 2009. She became a member of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists in Canine and Feline Medicine and completed a Masters degree in Veterinary Clinical Studies through Murdoch University in 2011. She was awarded a fellowship in Veterinary Dermatology through the Australian College in 2016 and is one of our Dermatology Specialists at SASH.


Dr Philippa Ravens

Resources from Dr Philippa Ravens

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Specialist in Emergency and Critical Care
Specialist in Surgery
Registrar in Small Animal Surgery
Emergency and Critical Care Clinical Lead
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