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Dr Paul Jenkins


Specialist in Surgery

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Dr Paul Jenkins graduated from University of Sydney in 2010. After graduation, he moved to Tamworth and worked in mixed practice for just over 3 years. He then moved hospitals in the same town, to South Tamworth Animal Hospital, which is a rural referral hospital, for two and a half years. During his time in Tamworth, he completed a postgraduate certificate and Masters in Small Animal Practice from Murdoch University in 2015. In 2016, Paul attained membership to the Small Animal Surgery Chapter of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists.

Paul and his wife, Liz, spent time in Thailand and Malawi, Africa, participating in trap-neuter-release programs in Buddhist temples and rural villages in Africa. After returning to Australia, Paul undertook a rotating internship at the SASH in 2017 and commenced his residency in Small Animal Surgery in the same year. During his residency, Paul was awarded the Geoff Robins Research Grant by the ANZCVS for his research in the radiographic outcomes of the double pelvic osteotomy in juvenile dogs with hip dysplasia. Paul completed his training in 2020. In 2023, Paul become a Fellow of the Australian & New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists and a registered surgical specialist. He enjoys all aspects of surgery with a particular interest in orthopaedics and joint disease.

When not at work Paul enjoys reading, spending time with his two children, Labradors (Daphne and Wilson) and cat (Pickle), cooking, running, bushwalking and relaxing at the beach.

List of publications

  • Jenkins PL, James DR White JD, et al. Assessment of the medium- t long-term radiographically confirmed outcome fo juvenile dogs with hip dysplasia treated with double pelvic osteotomy. Veterinary Surgery. 2020 49:685–693.
  • Prabakaran A, Jenkins PL. Kinetic and Radiographic Outcomes of Unilateral Double Pelvic Osteotomy in Six Dogs. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol. 2023 Jul;36(4):207-211.
  • Lomas DC, Garrett K, Taylor D, Havlicek M, Jenkins P. Primary mediastinal spindle cell sarcoma in a dog. Vet Rec Case Rep. 2022
  • Jenkins P, Kuan S, Brain P. Suspected intrapericardial lipoma in a standard schnauzer. Vet Rec Case Rep. 2018


Portrait of Dr Paul Jenkins

Resources from Dr Paul Jenkins

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Specialist in Emergency and Critical Care
Specialist in Surgery
Registrar in Small Animal Surgery
Emergency and Critical Care Clinical Lead
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