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Dr Naomi Hansen


Emergency and Critical Care Clinical Lead

Dr Naomi Hansen started her veterinary working life in mixed animal practice in Woodford and quickly realized she was not destined for mixed animal practice. She moved to Canberra and started in a purpose-built small animal practice. She realized that general practice was not her end game so applied for an ECC residency at The University of Melbourne. They gave Naomi a locum position that grew to a residency position. She was in Melbourne three years at the Werribee Veterinary Clinic in their ECC department. Naomi completed her ANZCVSc Memberships in ECC and a clinical Masters in Traumatic Brain Injury before applying to the USA matching program. She was matched with the University of Pennsylvania and moved there to start her training as an ECC specialist. Back in Australia, Naomi pursued my Fellowships in ECC but the training was convoluted with no ECC specialists to train her so she returned to general practice. 2 years ago she returned to veterinary ECC and has never looked back.


Dr Naomi Hansen Emergency and Critical Care Veterinary Director BVSc (Hons) MVS MANZCVSc (ECC). Our Team – SASH Sunshine Coast Emergency & Critical Care

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Specialist in Emergency and Critical Care
Specialist in Surgery
Registrar in Small Animal Surgery
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