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Dr Melinda Cowan

BVSc(Hons) FANZCVS(Avian Medicine) MANZCVS(Unusual Pets)

Specialist in Avian Medicine & Exotics Veterinarian

(What does this mean?)

Dr Melinda graduated from the University of Sydney in 2007 with first class honours. After initially working in a busy dog and cat clinic, she took a position at a specialised bird and exotic pet practice in Brisbane. It was here that she undertook a residency in Avian Medicine, completing final examinations in 2016 to become a bird specialist and Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists. Currently, Melinda is the only clinical veterinarian in NSW who holds a specialist qualification specifically in avian species.

Melinda has additional interests in the medicine and surgery of a wide range of other animals, including reptiles, amphibians, rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, rats, mice and fish. She has also worked for the RSPCA QLD Wildlife Hospital, treating a variety of native animals in addition to the domestic birds admitted to the shelter.

Mel has pet pigeons and a cockatiel as pets. She enjoys anything that involves being outdoors – swimming, running, cycling, touch football and hiking.


Dr Melinda Cowan

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Resident in Internal Medicine
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