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Nick : Ned

Published on January 3, 2024.

Story from Nick : Ned

Written as it happens- go with your gut.

Ned lives 400Kms away in a country town so every trip to SASH is a dedicated trip for the best possible care.

Go with your gut – A regular check-up for my boy at his local vet and some routine x-rays has put him in doggie hospital with the awesome team at SASH Adelaide – Small Animal Specialist Hospital. We are still trying to find out what a possible mass is on his lung area with some answers hopefully today.

Stress through the roof, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, knowing he is in the best care makes it easier.

After a light sedation, a day stay (Which Ned lapped up all the attention) and some CT scans, blood tests and urine test. It turns out what was to believed a mass is a complex bullae… my interpretation an air filled space, it is 2.94cm in diameter. Something to just monitor for the time being. He also has an enlarged prostate so might be time for him to loose his crown jewels.

All in all, good news and hopefully a few more healthy years ahead.

– Book in an get your loved ones checked!!

Here we are again, back at SASH. Ned has developed dry reaching cough which has me and the family worried.

A quick phone call to SASH and an appointment arranged and the 4 hour car trip is underway.

Back in Ned goes for some further investigations (and of course being spoilt by the staff), this time a ECHO of the heart and some scans. It has shown Ned has a slightly enlarged heart with a heart murmur, possible larynx collapse (Degenerative) and of course that lingering bullae still present.

After a consult with Dr David Davies and Specialist Surgeon Penny Disdall to discuss treatment options for Ned we have some hard decisions to make. From complex surgery to remove the Bullae, and possible larynx surgery, then lower on the priority desexing to settle the prostate.

With a lot of questions for the treating specialists I have some decisions to make.

Back in the next morning we go, I have decided based on Ned’s age (13) to not elect for surgery and instead choose medication to treat his enlarged heart and pain medication to treat degenerative osteo arthritis. It has been a difficult to decision to make but I have been given all the information available to make an informed decision. I have chosen this path for a number of reasons, mainly based on Ned’s age and avoiding the lengthy recovery time and the stress he will endure. He isn’t showing any physical signs of distress and not in any noticeable pain (beside the arthritis which is going to be managed).

6 months later, Ned is still living a happy life, we have his 2, 3 year old sons that keep him busy every day and his girlfriend (mother to the pups) that keeps his heart beating (or is she the reason for that heart murmur…. hmmmm), although Ned needs to have all the attention.

Ned is due for a check up soon from the team at SASH. He is on medication twice a day and he knows when “tablet time” is. Ned’s coughing had dramatically reduced and is one spoilt boy.

A special thanks to the team at SASH for all the expertise in providing the best care and information for my boy.

“Decisions based on information and research backed by a qualified team”

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SASH is home to some of Australia’s leading specialists and veterinary experts. If you have any concerns about your pet, please get in touch with us.

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