Three years ago our beloved Spoodle Benny snapped his right cruciate ligament. We thought we were doing our best for him by seeking treatment from a specialist orthopaedic vet. Unfortunately it was a terrible experience for all of us, especially Benny. On the day he was due to have stitches removed post surgery, his new ligament snapped. This necessitated a further surgery, a very long and painful rehabilitation. Knowing his other leg was vulnerable to having the same problem, we “nursed” him along for two years before the unthinkable happened. The other ligament snapped. Of course after our first experience needless to say we changed vets. The wonderful Derek McNair at Norwood advised us to take Benny to SASH at Kent Town as they were genuinely qualified to treat Benny. He underwent surgery there very quickly. His wound was quite small (compared to first surgery two years previously). He required minimal post surgery medication and healed very quickly with a minimum of stress for all of us. Our advice, really do your homework and get good advice before undertaking such huge surgery on your pet. Pet insurance is also a must in our book, we have certainly used it to the max over Benny’s 11 years with us. We were so grateful to SASH for their expert treatment and care of Benny, and reduced stress for us. He’s still our much loved doggo, turning 11 at Christmas.