We rescued our darling Rosie while living in Hong Kong, and repatriated with her, her two sisters, and her brother. Like all street dogs in Hong Kong, she is a very mixed breed, but all the better for it, we think.
We presented Rosie to the emergency department at SASH in February after a couple of consultations with our local vet, with a very painful left eye which she had only had for a few days.
The excellent staff at SASH identified Glaucoma but, unfortunately, realised that she had already lost her vision. We made the quick, but very emotional, decision to have her eye removed at that point to avoid any further pain to her. The staff at SASH looked after our little girl so very well and were able to make her as comfortable as possible, under the circumstances, and we collected her after a couple of days.
Tests were unable to definitively show if this was primary or secondary Glaucoma, so we are monitoring her other eye very closely, very regularly!
Rosie has recovered really well, has become quite used to a one eyed outlook on life, and quickly resumed her favourite activity of chasing Water Dragons around our dam. Her most recent test shows her remaining eye is ok for the time being but we know at some stage she will probably loose sight in time. For now she sits patiently waiting for dragons and enjoying her life. Thanks to all of the staff at SASH for their terrific work in getting our Rosie back to health.